After lunch I couldn't help but play along again with the Tuesday Trigger over at Moxie Fab World.

My good friend Trinh recently sent me the gorgeous magnetic bookmark below. She has a great tutorial here on making these type of bookmarks with some more fab examples.
I loved the idea so much that I had to have a go at making one.
Stamp (Hero Arts) - Let the Angels Sing
I found a cute little bird and the musical notes in a Hero Arts Christmas set and added a little twig from the garden so it would all tie in with the Trigger photo. The patterned paper is from Pebbles and the base of the bookmark is a lump of heavy card from a box which would have ended up being recycled.
I'm also submitting this project into the Die Cut Divas Anything But A Card Challenge.
I'm making the most of my week off so at the start of the day I went walking with Toby. We followed one of the Slí na Sláinte walks, it's about three miles long and takes a circular route out by our local canal. It's so peaceful there and most of the time all you can hear is the sound of birds chirping and chattering. I took some photos as we went along so if you'd like to ramble virtually with us here they are:
This is the first bridge we cross on the walk. There must be some wild garlic growing near here as there was quite a strong smell of garlic wafting around in the air at this point.
I haven't a clue what this wildflower is called but it looks so pretty all along by the banks of the canal. It reminds me a little bit of baby's breath, well whatever it is I love the delicate look of it.
There were lots of other pretty wildflowers along the way like these beauties
Finally a wildflower I know! I remember when we were kids holding buttercups under each others chins about an inch away from the skin to do the "butter test". Seemingly if you could see a tinge of yellow on the skin that meant you liked butter!
The hawthorn trees are in full bloom too.
There will be lots of berries this year!
With his black coat, Toby really feels the heat when we're walking on sunny days so a bottle of water and cup always ends up in the rucksack for this walk.
Then we came across these cuties who couldn't quite reach the long grass outside their paddock, so of course I had to stop and hand them bunches of grass to munch on.
Thanks for joining me on my little ramble:)