Next up from the craft fair is some feltmaking, candle making, knitting, crochet and photography.
A couple of years ago I attended a feltmaking workshop. It was really enjoyable but by the end of the week I felt as if my arms would fall off if I did anymore rolling to make felt! After seeing all the effort that goes into making felt I really admire Katrina Hughes’ (Tel 087 7473233 work. Not only is it totally stunning to look at but I can only imagine the amount of time it must have taken to make each piece. Katrina also holds workshops on feltmaking and here are some examples of her work.
A gorgeous brooch – it looks even more beautiful in real life.

Sometimes Katrina mixes silk fibres in with the wool and the beautiful sheen of these fibres look wonderful mixed with the wool. I love this collar – the flower is on the bottom piece and is fed up through an opening on the upper piece to hold the collar in place.

Gorgeous felted bags.

I absolutely love the fantastic texture and colours on this piece.

Sorry for the slightly blurry photo but I just had to show one of the felted flowers that Katrina had made for her Christmas lights and also the beautiful candles made by people of the
Grangebeg Camphill Community.

Naas Knitting Group meet in the library every Wednesday. Anyone can join the group from the complete beginner to those who have been knitting for years and years. Eva Kavanagh (Tel 085 1314480 started the group and she also runs knitting workshops. I’ve attended a couple of Eva’s class and as well as being a great teacher she also had us laughing throughout the class.
Here are some examples of the group’s work.

Mary and Eva modelling knitted and crocheted hats.

Another knitting group in Naas is Treasure Knitting Club . Lianne, one of the members of the knitting group, brought along these examples of the gorgeous work being produced by members of the group.

These mug cosies are so cute!

Finally for today we have the very talented Byrne family - Jackie (Tel 087 9514757, her hubby Martin (Tel 087 2077582) and their daughter Becky (Tel 087 6667409 Both Jackie and Becky create gorgeous fascinators and crochet. In addition Jackie knits and Martin and Becky are photographers. Here is a little taste of their work.

Tomorrow I'll post the rest of the photos from the fair including jewellery, patchwork and some more felting, crochet and knitting.